It has been proven that one of the players of Nim, let us say Player A, can leave a certain number of objects in play in a way such that Player B cannot win. This is called a safe-combination (Bouton). This safe-combination is also what theorists call p-games (the “p” standing for previous player). In other words, a safe-combination is a set of objects left in play that could result in the player who just played (or previous player) winning. N-games (where the “n” stands for next player) represent a set of objects left in play that could result in the player who is about to make a move will win the game. N-games are also called unsafe-combinations (Bouton). It has also been proven that within in any p-game, there exists some move such that an n-game will result.
NEED TO INSERT THE PROOF OF P + P = P, N + P = N, N + P = N, N + N = ?
Two finite impartial games, A and B, are said to be equivalent if and only if for all games C, A + C and B + C have the same characteristics (i.e. A + C and B + C are either both p-games or both n-games).
Let us take an example of this—let us compare the 1-pile Nim game with 3 objects in one pile (III) and the 2-pile Nim game with 1 object in one pile and 2 objects in another pile (I+II). It is my goal to prove (using the definition of equivalence) that III is equivalent to I + II. First let us explain that in order for III to be equivalent to I + II, this means that for all n element of the Natural Numbers, for all finite games, A with at most n moves such that A + I + II has the same characteristic as A + III.
Let us show that III is equivalent to I+II. By definition, this means that some game, A can be added to both games and A + III and A + I + II will have the same characteristic. The base case of this proof is the zero case. When the zero game is added to III and I + II, they both have the same characteristic. Now, assume that when a game with n moves, A, is added to both III and I + II, A + III and A + I + II have the same characteristic. We need to show that when a game with n + 1 moves, A, is added to both the III game and I + II game, A + III and A + I + II have the same characteristic.
First, let us assume that A + III is a p-game. This means that in order for A + III and A + I + II to be equivalent, we must show A + I + II is also a p-game. Since A + III is a p-game and by one of our definitions of a p-game (that there exists some move in a p-game that will make it n-game), we can look at possible outcomes of sets of objects after a move is made in A + III, all of which will be n-games: A + II, A + I, A, Al + III (where Al is the game A after a move has been made). If we assume A + I + II is also a p-game, find the same possible outcomes of sets of objects after a move is made and do not get a contradiction, we have shown this side of assumption to be true. If A + I + II is a p-game, then A + II, A + I, A + I + I, and Al + I + II (again, where Al is the game A after a move has been made).
By our assumption, we know A + II and A + I are n-games and that A is an n-game. Based on our earlier proof, we know that a n-game + p-game results in an n-game. We also know that 1 + 1 is a p-game. Therefore, A + I + I is an n-game. This leaves Al + I + II as the only possible contradiction. However, based on our inductive hypothesis, we know that Al + I + II has the same characteristics as Al + III. Since Al + III is an n-game, Al + I + II is also an n-game. Because we arrived at no contradictions and all games resulting after a move from a p-game are in fact n-games, A + I + II is a p-game and therefore has the same characteristic as A + III.
Now, we must start with the assumption that A + I + II is a p-game and continue with the same process. After a move is made in A + I + II, we are left with the n-games A + II, A + I, A + I + I, and Al + I + II (where Al is the game A after a move has been made). Now let us show that A + III is also a p-game. In other words, let us show that each of the resulting games after a move has been made are n-games. We are left with the set of objects A + II, A + I, A, Al + III (where Al is the game A after a move has been made). If A + III is a p-game, then A + II, A + I, A, Al + III should all be n-games and we should not arrive at any contradictions. By our assumption, we know that A + II and A + I are both n-games. By our inductive hypothesis, we know that Al + III has the same characteristics as Al + I + II. Since Al + I + II is an n-game, Al + III is also an n-game. This leaves A as a possible contradiction. Let us assume that A is a p-game and by our assumption, we know that A + I + I is an n-game. We also know that I + I is a p-game. This makes A + I + I the sum of two p-games. However, we know by our earlier proof that the sum of two p-games is a p-game. Therefore, A is an n-game. Because every game that resulted from a move in a p-game was an n-game, A + III was in fact a p-game and therefore, A + III and A + I + II have the same characteristics. Thus, III is equivalent to I + II.
Because we are using addition, and addition holds the Reflexive, Transitive, and Symmetric Properties, we can prove this to be true by showing this to be true for each property.
I am not sure where I am going with this yet (meaning, I do not know what my problem is yet), but I hope that this information and these proofs will help inform my readers of the characteristics of Nim games. I think I want to modify another game and show that it is equivalent to a Nim game. So, I think that these proofs will help establish how I will do this in other cases.
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